New Delhi: To protest against eve teasing and sexual harassment, Slut Walk will be held in the Free Church area of Delhi. In addition to hundreds of female students and working girls, actor Gul Panag and actor, social activist Nafisa Ali and some models will also participate in the walk.

The Slut Walk will be called 'besharmi morcha'. The coordinator of beharmi morcha said that the slut walk would be held after a performance by Delhi Drum Circle.

The Slut Walk will start at 11 am from Free Church and will cover Parliament, Patel Chowk and will come back to Free Church, where it will end.

At the end of the Slut Walk, 'Asmita', the theatre group of the students of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), will stage a play.
Over 500 students, working women and NGO workers are expected to participate in the Slut Walk.

The walk will start at 11 am and end at 1 pm. The Slut Walk is being held to aware people that sexual harassment of women and eve teasing needs to stop.


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