It seems Elizabeth has had enough of her share media attention. 

The former model and actress is now venting her anger on the media by hitting out at journalists and their work ethics. The actress posted on her Twitter account, "When will talentless journalists stop using unattributed 'quotes'? A lazy & transparently obvious device to avoid actually doing any work." The source for Hurley's angst is unknown but she went on to say, "Why bother actually investigating anything? Just sit at your desk & make up 'friends' to say anything that suits your silly stories"
Hurley, who is dating Shane Warne, is obviously not referring to her pie-almost-in-face fellow British and journo Rupert Murdoch because she talks about quotes in print. Hurley ends her rant with, "Would tabloid journalism grind to a halt if all quotes had to be attributed?" to which a fan has replied saying, "Up and about tonight Liz! You celebs need the media as much as they need you so stop pissing and moaning and get on with it." Looks like Hurley just got her moment of glory- pie-to-the-face!


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