We cornered Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner last week in San Diego to see if we could squeeze any “Breaking Dawn” spoilers out of them; didn’t have much luck, but Taylor did suggest we’ll be seeing his abs again – so that’s enough to hold us over, right!?

The previous films were fairly close to the books; what about ”Breaking Dawn”?
Kristen : It’s pretty true to the book – so if that’s what you thought about the previous films you’ll definitely [feel the same with Breaking Dawn].  The story this time is a little bit more life and death, in a realistic sense – - what with Bella pregnant with a demon baby. It’s the first time, I think, that you’re not worried about Edward and Bella breaking up, they’re actually working through issues that are kind of make or break… I don’t know how to say it without giving away all the story.

What do you think about them splitting “Breaking Dawn” into two movies
Taylor : I think it’s perfect; it needed to be done. This Part 1 is amazing, I can’t wait for everyone to see it.

Would you say this was the most difficult book to bring to the big screen?
Absolutely. It was very challenging. There was a lot of stuff that was just.. difficult to show.. difficult to do.. and Jacob goes through a lot – I mean, his number one goal has been to always end up with Bella, and of course we know that doesn’t exactly happen; from the beginning of the movie to the end he changes a lot.. he’s forced to mature.

What do you remember from the very last day of shooting?
 Kristen : The very last day of shooting I was in a wetsuit and – I’d been in the water for like ten-hours, literally; it was tough to ‘get the light’ or whatever – I ran over to my producer Godfrey and wrapped my legs around his waist, because he didn’t get in the water all night; so I took him on in, it was fun.

And Taylor, will we get to see more of your Abs before the “Twilight” series comes to an end?
Taylor : [Laughs] Um.. I’m not sure, I’ll guess you’ll have to wait and see.


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